Residing in The Beaches comes with a few boons, including sandy waterside strolls and the beckoning sound of the ocean nearby. But hey, the humidity? Not one of them.
At Hall Heating and Cooling Jacksonville, we completely understand. For homes in our area, dehumidifiers can make a world of difference, removing the moisture that's always threatening to take over.
Think of what it would be like to come home and breathe easily, without that oppressive feeling hanging in the air.
"With an AC unit, it makes it so much easier to breathe and just feel comfortable. Most of us think of it as just a way to cool us down, but not everyone realizes it's more than that. It's a way to purify the air and make it easier to breathe. And I use mine every day. I hardly use my furnace in the winter, but I use my AC a lot. It balances out.
It is not merely a question of comfort when you have a dehumidifier; it is essential for creating a space that is healthy for your family.
Mold and mildew have no business in our warm, intimate, private spaces. They make no one feel at home. And when we touch on the intimate aspect of mold and mildew, we can also bring into this conversation the uncomplicated relationship both these life forms have with death. Mold and mildew live in dark places and breathe with a dampness that makes them feel right at home. They thrive in the very conditions that are kind of the opposite of what makes us feel at home.
You might think this is something you don't need. We hear stories about people relocating here, thinking they'd acclimate to the level of humidity we have, only to find out it impacts everything from their furniture made of wood to their sleep quality. Remember that book of yours that didn't survive the ocean air? Well, neither do many of the kinds of things that otherwise thrive inside, and that's a valid reason to invest in a dehumidifier. You can call that an investment in peace of mind if you want.
Let's discuss the alternatives. When faced with numerous selections, pinpointing the perfect dehumidifier can appear complicated. But don't worry, our crew is on hand to help, without the excessive tech talk. Portable unit or whole-house setup, it's about understanding your situation first. Think of us as your super helpful, next-door pals, sharing tips like it's our favorite pastime. We tell you what we know, share what we've learned over the years, and make sure you're all squared away with a dehumidifier that jives with your lifestyle and your bank account. Because it is part of our mission to make sure you're just that much closer to comfy living in your coastal house; a place where the air is sweet, not soggy.