Embracing Jacksonville's singularly hot, humid, and cool climate is a must for this northern Florida locale. But when the sticky, clammy air hits you, it can sneak up on you and catch you off guard. It can even cause discomfort and affect your home's interior air quality.
So, you want to tackle that envelope of moisture in your air, right? A portable or whole-house dehumidifier could be your best friend in this quest.
Certainly, the choice is not solely about whether to opt for a portable unit or a dehumidifier meant for the entire house. You must also consider whether the one you select has enough capacity to handle Florida's over-the-top humidity. A high-capacity unit is necessary for not just large homes, but also for any spaces that seem consistently high in moisture. If your problem area is more confined, like an attic, basement, or even a crawl space, some of which seem to have 24/7 appearances of high humidity, then you're better off looking at small, portable models that you can easily move around. When choosing, make sure to look at energy ratings. Several dehumidifiers come with Energy Star ratings, which means they're efficient enough that your electric bill won't climb much higher than the humidity in your house.
Another point on the map to consider is maintenance. Like any trusty household appliance, dehumidifiers need a little TLC to perform their best. When considering which model to bring home, check to see if the unit is easy to clean. If it's not, you're going to have a hard time keeping the dehumidifier functioning at peak performance. Next, consider the water tank. How often is it going to need emptying? Some models even come with a continuous drain feature, where you connect a hose to a nearby drain for seamless operation. This small detail could save a lot of effort if you're dealing with a substantial amount of humidity.
Whether you're looking to strike the perfect humidity balance or just wanting to curb those clammy sensations, knowing your options lets you step confidently in the direction of a cozier, less muggy home life.