When the thermostat starts acting up in your office, it is not just a comfort issue; it is also a question of keeping your team functioning at full strength and your overall operations running smoothly—like a well-oiled machine, except the oil is not cooling it down and the machine is not overheating (we hope). At Hall Heating and Cooling Jacksonville, we understand how it feels to have all eyes on you, to be the person everyone is looking to when the heater or air conditioner is on the fritz and to have the system's schematics and the troubleshooting steps (like the ones that we are about to get into) practically memorized. So, here is a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting your workplace heating or cooling system, including: 1. A list of questions that will help you narrow down the possible problems. 2. Some common issues and their fixes. 3. A couple of uncommon problems you might also encounter, just to keep things interesting.
Every company has its own set pace, and an HVAC unit shouldn't throw it off. That's why we at GAC take time to understand your particular system and its demands. Let's face it, no two buildings are identical when it comes to heating and cooling. Imagine a gathering in your building, and it's the only time you can host a meeting in your presentation space because it's not normally this quiet. And then, while you're attempting to dazzle them with your PowerPoint, your unit decides it's time to take a breather. We live it; we get it. The next segment covers a low-energy mode and a high-energy mode. Both have their places. And sometimes, plain old
We take the "ugh" out of HVAC system upkeep. Think of us as your evergreen pals, always having your back. We might suggest some small ways to adjust your mindset that could save you significant amounts of money in the future. We could call these our "energy-efficiency tips."
1. Schedule tune-up inspections before the beginning of heating or cooling season. Just as you would see your doctor for a semiannual checkup, the same is true for your heating and cooling systems.
2. Don’t ignore signs from your equipment that something is amiss. Most of us can power through a day when we feel only halfway decent, but we're more likely to get sick if we push it to the limit. Your heating or cooling system could be doing the same.