When the summer heat starts to bear down in Arlington, having a good central air conditioning system is more than just a luxury; it's a necessity. Imagine trying to cool your whole place with just one, old window unit. That would be like asking a stunted fan to cool you when the sun's got the high-beam glare going. With central air, you have a system working for you and doing what A/C was born to do: deliver fresh, cool air to every room in your place, be it basement, bathroom, or bedroom. Choosing the right one can feel almost as daunting as picking an ice cream flavor; indeed, some people find it necessary to consult a professional.
For neophytes, central air systems come in two basic types: split systems and packaged units. Think of a split system as a tag-team effort, with one part whispering in your ear—and by "whispering," I mean operating at 53 decibels—outside your house and the other part in the main performance area inside your house. Split systems usually go with homes of larger square footage since they can use the same existing ductwork.
On the other hand, a packaged unit sits outdoors, takes up the same space in your house as a small closet would, and operates at the same sound level. These units are well-suited to smaller homes or apartments since they can package the air and the space used in the ducting much more efficiently than a split system.
Choosing the right system is like selecting the ideal pair of shoes; it must fit well and suit your situation. Think about your home's unique requirements. Size and layout matter, as does any ductwork you have (or plan to implement). All these factors go into the calculations wondering friends might think ludicrous. But a well-planned installation will pay off in both comfort and cost, as will the ventilation system's efficiency. Plan poorly, and the opposite will happen. And using poor judgment (or even just dumb luck) can put you in serious trouble.