Westside can feel like a deep freeze, when it's just a fault-finding issue with your furnace, or an actual defect that could put a stop to your home heating activities—just in time for the coldest days and nights of the year. A furnace that's misbehaving might simply blow cool air when it's supposed to heat your home, or make some bizarre noises that have you questioning if your house is haunted. Sometimes temperatures inside the house do drop, but there’s a noticeable spike in heating bills because the system is working too hard to power through the forecast. Indoor comfort is at issue here, and so is your comfort with the heating bill. Hall Heating and Cooling has seen it all, from finicky thermostats to those notoriously obstinate pilot lights that just refuse to light up. Most often, the stuff that goes wrong here is fixable, and we’re going to give you some idea of what might be happening, plus some good reasons to get out the toolbox or call us—past the burner troubleshooting guide, plus furnace repair handbook—to find your next heat wave. No theatrical shenanigans should go on in your home once the furnace starts operating properly again.
Let’s picture coming back after a long day to find that the furnace isn't all it's cracked up to be. The chill that greets you is, in effect, the furnace not working at all. Lots of our clients describe strange screeches or persistent rattling sounds that their furnace is making, and while some just ignore the noise, we know it's not normal.
It's like your furnace is trying to tell you something. With some quick detective work—mostly just listening for changes in sound or checking for hot spots—most of the time we can find out just what it's trying to say.
And listen: we'd rather you be all snug and warm with a reliable furnace than have us perform some surprise service on your bank account.
Sometimes, your furnace fails simply because it needs a little TLC. It might need a cleaning, some replacement parts, or a full-on tune-up. Westside residents, however, find that regularly scheduling maintenance of their heating systems generally prevents this kind of surprise from ever occurring.
But if you find yourself in the very real situation of having a furnace that just isn't working, don't sweat it. Our friendly techs are just around the corner, equipped with the know-how and experience to get your unit humming again in no time at all. Think of them as your furnace's best friend.