Your heating and cooling systems may seem like something to be maintained only when they threaten to quit on you. At Hall Heating and Cooling Jacksonville, we believe this maintenance should be done far ahead of when it might seem necessary to ward off potential HVAC emergencies.
Our technicians do not come with checklists. They come with an idiomatic interest in the business of your home. We know that every home has different heating and cooling needs. Here are some of the unique factors that influence that business in your home.
Picture this: you own a car but never check its oil, have never checked its tires—pure madness, right? An HVAC system isn't much different. It's the unsung hero of your home, the quiet Force that makes your space cozy during the winter and delightfully cool when it's blazing outside. Our job? To keep it and you in the groove, doing what you both do best. And part of how we keep your moving parts moving is by giving it regular check-ups—like the spa day I mentioned earlier but with better odds of catching something before it becomes a problem (i.e., a big, expensive problem). Count on our crew for informative, down-to-earth conversations. Count on us to keep the quiet hero that is your HVAC system running smoothly.
Ensuring the HVAC systems of our homes work well, mostly, is all about demystifying routine maintenance, according to Keith Scharfenberger and Megan Calder, both senior service technicians at EcoAir in Jacksonville Beach.
"When you talk to homeowners, the first thing you hear is, 'I don't want to repair my air conditioner! I don't want to replace my air conditioner! And I don't want to spend a ton of money when I have to deal with 120-degree heat, either!" Calder said. "Surprise breakdowns often hit people's wallets pretty hard, and they're not fun for anybody. So I really see our mission here as helping people understand maintenance so they can avoid those expenses and stay comfortable all summer long."