In Jacksonville, where summer days seem endless and winters present just a brief cool breeze, our way of life demands a reliable HVAC system. But if we're honest, like an old car or a favorite pair of sneakers, things can start to break down when you least expect them.
Consider your air conditioner. If it's auditioning for a garage band with all its clanks and rattles, maybe it's time to face the fact that a professional needs to evaluate it and decide whether it's just a small bump in the road or something more elaborate.
Or take your furnace, which is either operating within its normal range or serving up some
Envision this: Family is visiting, and it's one of those 95-degree Jacksonville days. Your thermostat is set to a cool 76, but it feels more like 86. This situation demands attention to your HVAC system, and fast. Sometimes, that's as easy as changing a clogged air filter, which is more an issue of neglect than anything else. Unless you have a mini split (which probably means you're in a place with mild temperatures year-round), it seems there's no way to avoid changing an air filter at least once a year. The only excuse for not doing so is that you're allergic to dust, in which case you'd be better off living outside. But these are things you shouldn't have to worry about. Your system should just work, and if it doesn't, it should work in a way that tips you off that it needs some TLC—or, in some cases, some serious elbow grease.
We understand that life is hectic; it may have delayed you from making that call to us for your necessary check-up or service. You may have thought: "My system can hold out a little longer until I can get around to calling them."
But when the system's cooling ability goes south, and the midnight air is doing nothing for your comfort, suddenly you need someone to come out to your place on the double, and you can't imagine living another moment without the help of your local HVAC pros.
Here's why we've gone ahead and scheduled your next system check. And yes: we have 100 percent confidence that it's this Thursday, October 7, 2019. Can't wait until then to tell you how we made your system's next totally unplanned intimate episode as pain-free as we could.